Check out the interview (1/5) here! Our HeJu survey team explains you the motivation and execution of our 2019 HeJu survey


Being a doctoral researcher (DR) can sometimes lead us to a “solitary” journey. For instance, even within the same discipline, the researches we do still need certain extent of novelty so that many of us might never find some one doing exactly the same thing and have an in-depth chat about our passions. On the other hand, being doctoral researchers can also bring us a solidary benefit. We are that many (even within the Helmholtz society, there are currently about 8,500 DRs) and the greater challenges (beyond our specific research topic) are so similar for all of us ( Thus, staying connected with our peer DRs through networks as well as showing the representative status quo of our DR community is crucial to improve our living/working conditions.

So here is an example we have done as Helmholtz Juniors (HeJu) for showing our representative status quo of our DRs. We conduct a Helmholtz-wide PhD survey every two years and publish the results. We also communicate with the administrative units at each center by our local HeJu representatives and try to promote the living/working conditions for our DRs.

Our newest survey report is here:

And below is the interview with our survey team to explain you our motivation and execution:


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